The Laboratory of Physical Chemistry & Chemical Processes (PCCP laboratory) was created and developed by Professor I.V. Gentekakis in 2001. The PCCP laboratory is one of the established laboratories of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Crete (TUC). In the PCCP laboratory, having excellent equipment, high-tech infrastructure, active and productive members, senior and young researchers, doctoral and even postgraduate students and with notable international collaborations, the high quality of educational and research work produced is ensured.

The research interests and objectives of the PCCP laboratory are as follows:

  • Composition of new nano-structured and composite materials with improved catalytic / electrocatalytic properties
  • Structure, morphology, physicochemical characteristics and catalytic performance evaluation of new materials under selected reactions related to important technological applications.
  • Study of the behavior of surfaces and interfaces.
  • Promotion and origin of heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis.
  • Fuel cell science and technology.
  • Hydrogen, biofuels, natural gas.
  • Environmental catalysis and pollution control.
  • Chemical process engineering.

Research policy PCCP Lab

Basic, technological or applied research that:

  • promotes science and development
  • respects academic ethics and values.
  • is in collaboration with International Organizations and Foundations.

Current Research Projects

Completed Research Projects